Sunday, 31 May 2009

Friends and Fun

Yum Yum. We have just eaten a delicious meal using homegrown basil, oregano and the beetroot leaves from the thinnings I took today.

It has been something of an odd job weekend in the garden, because yesterday we had a get together of friends from university. Our friend and his wife had returned from America for a little while, so as many of us as could make it gathered together for a Friday night catch up and then a lovely Saturday in the park playing football, frisbee and rounders. The only gardening we managed was to pick the first strawberry, which Garden Girl had eaten before I had time to blink.

We were a little sluggish getting going this morning so, while Garden Dad made more headway digging over the rear raised bed, I thinned the carrots and beetroot. Then Garden Girl helped to plant out the extra sweetcorn, pumpkins, cobnut squash and spare onions, while Garden Boy chewed plant pots. He is teething and has reverted back to spending his days either chewing or drooling. After lunch we filled up the paddling pool and our little garden helpers got themselves wet and cool. Garden Dad added extra soil to the rear raised bed and I planted out the Celeriac seedlings.

Presumably feeling put out by Garden Girl eating the first strawberry, Garden boy pulled a semi-ripe strawberry from a plant and started to eat it, until Garden Girl shouted at him and we took it away. There are some ripe looking ones on the patio though, so I think a special strawberry supper is in order. I had better go before I miss out.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I didn't get a look in with our first strawberry either, or the next dozen!
