Luckily, Garden Boy was far more interested in splashing about in the watering can than investigating the chicken pellets. With the tomato plants happily basking in their new sunny home, Garden Girl joined in the splashing until they were standing in a washing up bowl and cracker tub, stamping their feet in 'puddles'. When these had been knocked over a sufficient enough times for Garden Girl to figure out how the hose pipe worked, she started to refill them herself. Very soon Garden Girl and Garden Boy were soaked through. They were entertained for hours and I enjoyed a glass of wine in the sunshine.
Need I say more about the joys of visiting a Grandparents garden?
We just saw a HUGE GINORMOUS RAT the size of an ELEPHANT round our bamboo pots and wonder whether the smell of the chicken pellets enticed him into our garden. So maybe steer clear of the chicken pellets after all - shame because very good fertiliser.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with kids and water? We had the paddling pool out on Monday.
ReplyDeleteRe rats & fertilizer - now think probably coincidence - more likely to be neighbour's bread and birds habit - we'll keep an eye on it. Don't let it put you off using excellent easy to apply fertilizer.