Wednesday, 20 May 2009

From Toe to Finger

Thank you all for the advice about wood pidgeons and caterpillars. There are a lot of cabbage whites flying around our garden. They look so beautiful fluttering around the herbs. We will make our way to the garden centre tomorrow and pick up some netting. Our brassicas have started to shoot through now, so I will get enough protection to cover those as well. My Little Garden Helpers haven't been to visit the fish in a little while and I could also do with some more compost, so it will be a worthwhile trip.

We haven't been out in the garden much this week, other than to run outside clapping our hands loudly evey time we see a wood pidgeon. Garden Boy enjoys this so much that, whenever he sees me open the patio doors, he has started turning in circles, while clapping his hands, until he gets dizzy and falls over. The trouble is that Garden Girl hasn't faired much better than the cabbages this week. Following her toe injury on Sunday she has gone on to do even more damage to her finger. Yesterday I received a call from playgroup asking me to collect Garden Girl early because her finger had been run over by a trolley. We subsequently spent two hours waiting in the doctors surgery only to be sent to A&E for an X-ray. She was extremely brave and and luckily came away with only a large plaster. A very small fracture was suspected but nothing showed on the X-ray, so we just have to keep the finger dry to let the skin heal. This means avoiding getting her hands too dirty, so we stayed indoors and played Doctors for most of the day.

Luckily we made a lot of headway on Saturday when Uncle M and Auntie H came to visit. Garden Girl and Garden Boy were not the least bit interested in gardening when they had Auntie H to play with; endlessly playing mechanic for a 'broken' bike, pushing Garden Girl around on a bike which is really too big and playing ball with Garden Boy. This did, however, leave me free to line, fill and plant up all the wall baskets Garden Dad had fixed to the garage wall for me, whilst Garden Dad and Uncle M dug up lots of soil in order to level the ground for the rear raised bed. Garden Dad believes he will have this ready to plant up on Saturday, so we will finally be able to plant our peas.

Hopefully the weather will hold and we will be able spend the whole bank holiday outdoors with gardening news to report next week, rather than injuries.


  1. Oh dear, Garden girl sound like she's auditioning for a stunt girl role :)

    Last year and the year before I use to get my eldest daughter to chase the cabbage whites but now that she's almost ten I can't see me telling her this is how she can earn her dinner, she's a ittle wiser now, so I got some net instead :)

  2. What a fun blog. Kids and gardens belong together, sounds like yours are off to a good start.

  3. Oh no! I bet that finger's sore. I remember a similar incident when my daughter was in nursery. I got a phone call home telling me that her finger had been trapped in a cupboard door in the play kitchen. We too had a trip to A&E.
    I'm sure it will soon mend and Garden Girl will soon be back on garden duty.
