Sunday, 23 August 2009

We Are Back!

We are back from a lovely week in Norfolk. There will be more about that later in the week when I have dug myself out from underneath a huge pile of washing. With hot, sunny weather all week our Little Garden Helpers, along with Garden Mum and Dad, delighted in the outdoors life and the accompanying sand, water, mud and grass stains. Whilst Fairy non-bio is great for the stains it just hasn't got the technology yet to complete the numerous loads of washing in a quarter of the time or to hang it all out for me.

The pile is a little lower after todays mammoth washing session but there is more to go as I allowed myself a reprieve to enjoy some of the sunshine and take a look at the garden. Zooarchaeologist and Daddacool have done a great job keeping it watered and there was a surprise Green Hokkaido Squash waiting for us. I thought these had all failed to fruit, but there it was, bold as brass and looking quite healthy, having masqueraded as a marrow plant for the last few months.

One bed of peas is flourishing, with healthy looking pods, while the other bed seems to have shrivelled under the sun but the tomatoes are still going strong and there were carrots, beetroot and onions for dinner. After a week of sausages and smash it was pure pleasure to eat homegrown vegetables once more and I look forward to tomorrows harvest.

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