Thursday, 2 July 2009

Spare Foam Pipe Insulation Cane Toppers

Here's how I used some spare foam pipe insulation as a cane topper. You'll need
  • spare foam pipe insulation
  • a knife
Step 1 - find your spare foam pipe insulation

Step 2 - cut the end off the spare foam pipe insulation

Step 3 - add a couple of notches to the spare foam pipe insulation

Step 4 - put the spare foam pipe insulation on the top of the cane

  • Knives can be sharp, it may be best to make your Spare Foam Pipe Insulation Cane Toppers when the little ones are in bed.
  • Spare Foam Pipe Insulation Cane Toppers can be fun toys. Garden Boy used one as a football and Garden Girl played with one until it snapped in half.


  1. Have to admit this isn't the most unusual application for this kind of material I have heard of - my personal favourite is neck braces for parrots :) (no joke)
