Sunday, 15 November 2009

Hard Working Helpers

It has been a hectic couple of weeks. We have been very, very busy in the garden, clearing away the old, to make way for the broad beans and garlic we will be planting this afternoon. Then Garden Dad and our Little Garden Helpers have been having fun digging. Although we have a raised bed system, which theoretically is a no-dig system, our soil is so bad we thought that, for this first year, it would benefit from some digging over and improvement. The soil is much, much better than it was this time last year, thanks to the work of all the vegetables we planted this year, but the extra digging will definitely help along next years crop. Everybody has been working so hard in the garden, so much so that last weekend Garden Boy fell asleep just climbing onto the sofa for a well deserved rest!

We have also been researching fruit trees. We want to have a couple in the garden, but in pots, so we can move them about a bit depending where our strawberry bed is each year. Wanting potted varieties means we have to be a bit more selective, so we have been visiting garden centres and reading about trees.

And then there has been the Princess costume. When it has been wet and/or dark I have been so busy sewing together Garden Girl's costume that the computer has become neglected. I am a novice seamstress. Garden Dad is better at sewing than me. But I am determined to learn how to use my sewing machine before Garden Girl starts school and requires school play costumes, halloween costumes, fancy dress birthday parties etc. And what better way to practice than for her friends Princess birthday party? I was pleased with the results. Garden Girl loved the dress and I enjoyed the sewing. I just hope that as I get better at it, I will get quicker at it!

For the moment though, its back to the garden and some autumn planting though, not wanting to exhaust Garden Boy so much again, we have been sensible and our Little Garden Helpers have been making a cake this morning, ready for our afternoon tea break!

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