Friday 26 June 2009

A Garden Tour

You are invited to help yourself to a long, cool cocktail and join me on a tour of our garden to see what is growing. Step outside onto our freshly weeded patio and take a moment to breathe in the smell of fresh herbs.

Your eyes will no doubt have been drawn to the large pots spilling over with courgette plants, soon to provide enough fruit for our entire neighbourhood. We knew that courgettes grew well in pots but we were not quite prepared for the size of these plants.

Step up now onto the lawn and admire the tomato plants, starting to fruit with little green balls and soon to be fought over by Garden Girl and Boy.

Do not be alarmed by the lack of strawberries. They are fruiting well and the garden is not overrun by strawberry munching slugs. Garden Boy simply took a quiet stroll around the garden yesterday and the strawberries disappeared at about the same time.
Take a moment to peer inside the greenhouse at more tomato plants, aubergine plants and cucumbers, showing their first smooth green fruits.

Gather to admire the raspberries, but be warned. Any attempts to pick and eat one will result in expulsion from the tour by Garden Girl.

Now we must ask all visitors to put on their wellies and tread carefully on the uneven ground at the bottom of the garden. You enter the raised bed area at your own risk and we take no responsibility for any injuries sustained by tripping in holes.
Greet the lovely Painted Lady runner beans as you start this part of the tour and remember to compliment her delicate orange and white flowers and her tall, slender figure.

Don't let the Painted Lady keep your gaze too long but draw yourself away to take a look at my favourite part of the garden - the onions and beetroot growing side by side with satisfying vigour

Allow yourself a moment to view our carrots and spring onions...

...but move on quickly to admire the lovely purple flowers waving above the potato plants.

Enter the central zone and meet the three sisters. Try not to stare with too much bewilderment at the small size of the squash. They are the runt of the litter, but are growing slowly while the sweetcorn and French beans help each other along in their new embrace.

The marrows are struggling hard in the poor soil but flowering all the same and might yet start to produce fruit.
Meander along the cauliflower and purple sprouting broccolli bed which are coming along well but be sure to check out the cabbage! They had a rough run but have fought hard and with the protection of a net covering, they have grown back, healthy.

And here concludes the tour of our little vegetable garden. I hope you enjoyed the gentle stroll and come back soon to check on our progress.


  1. Brilliant. Full of admiration at the way you have achieved so much in so little time. Also fascinated by the many varieties of vegetables you are growing. Cocktail was great too - may I have a refill?

  2. Thank you for the tour. Garden Boy and Garden Girl will certainly be getting their five a day with that lot!

  3. What a wonderful lot of things you have growing! It all looks very impressive. I wish my garden looked quite so weed free, but my trouble is that I am a sucker for self-seeding flowers (like poppies) which have now taken over the onion bed... oops!

  4. I love to plant trees and plants.All the pics here are very amazing.A garden tour is very interesting lots of different plants grown are seen.Greet the lovely Painted Lady runner beans as you start this part of the tour and remember to compliment her delicate orange and white flowers and her tall, slender figure.waterproof trousers
