Thanks for all your advice about chicken pox. The calamine lotion is working well but poor Garden Girl has been feeling quite unwell on top of the itching. It seems to have caused a tummy upset that involves frequent trips to the toilet and she gets so hot. She wants to be playing and joining in, running outside with enthusiasm but then two minutes later is back on the sofa complaining of tummy ache.
Garden Boy on the other hand seems to be a lot better but has very swollen gums so I am pretty sure he was suffering from very bad tooth ache and possibly a bit of feeling left out with all the attention Garden Girl has been demanding.
They are both asleep at the moment. A very rare occurance that has proven to be the silver lining of the chicken pox virus. Today they went to sleep at the same time so I should have a good session of child free time. I am treating myself to a cup of coffee with Gardeners World at the moment. I deserve it. But I will be heading out into the sunshine in a minute or two to plant out the French Beans.
Despite the chicken pox we did manage to make some headway on Sunday. Our tomatoes and cucumbers were in desperate need of support so Garden Dad made a start on that - only four more cucumber plants to go. I weeded the front bed to make room for the rosemary heel cuttings which are now settling into their new home. I also managed to sow most of my pea seeds with the help of Garden Boy who was very excited to throw the little peas onto the beds. I don't think my rows will be very straight but they were sown with giggles so who cares. I did save one row to plant with Garden Girl though so hopefully when she wakes up today she will feel like heading outdoors.
I have been lucky really that the weather has been nice. Being stuck at home with two toddlers for a week could have been difficult if there was no option of going outside. It really makes me appreciate my garden.
1 day ago
Let's hope they're over the worst!