For the moment I have given Garden Dad charge of the garden. I have managed to line a couple hanging baskets and fill them with some compost and I have done some idle weeding but really Garden Dad is enjoying the time with Garden Girl and Garden Boy in the garden while I feed a hungry Garden Lass and try to get some rest.
Garden Boy's enthusiasm for planting and sowing seeds remains and he has helped me transplant courgettes to bigger pots and helped Garden Dad sow swede and turnip seeds. Garden Girl has been less interested in the garden since the arrival of Garden Lass, preferring instead to remain close by the side of her new little sister, She intermittently runs out to assist Garden Dad but she quickly returns to check on Garden Lass. Garden Boy meanwhile has been enoying some father/son time with Garden Dad, helping him dig and weed and playing with his new wheelbarrow. Today between the three of them they managed to plant our pumpkins out, build a couple of wigwams for the runner beans and plant them and prepare the bed for planting.And Garden Lass? Well she has done a lot of sleeping and feeding, enjoying the garden from the cosy comfort of her moses basket or relaxing on my knee taking in all the new sights and sounds of our garden.
The garden is in good hands and Garden Dad has been working hard to keep things going out there and I'm sure it won't be long before I get the opportunity to do more but I'm not complaining. I've got the best job of all, looking after Garden Lass.
4 days ago
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