Wednesday, 28 April 2010

A Quick Catch Up

Desperate though we all are to meet Garden Bump, there have been no signs of imminent arrival yet, so the past week of sunshine has been spent in the garden getting as much done as we can before things get really hectic. We have been sowing seeds in pots to germinate in the greenhouse, weeding the raised beds, sowing seeds directly outdoors, mowing the lawn and chasing away the wood pigeons and blackbirds. And most satisfying of all we have been munching through more and more varieties of lettuce, with Garden Girl finally joining in and eating them at the table with words of praise for their flavour.

I fear if I tell you that everything in the greenhouse has germinated well and is looking healthy, with no signs of pests I will step outdoors in 10 minutes to see that slugs have been having an overnight feast in our garden so I will not tell you that. But if you are wondering how well things are doing you might now take a guess!

Garden Girl and Garden Boy have both been enjoying the opportunity to be outdoors whenever they want and have been joining in the gardening with eagerness, although now that Garden Girl has grown a few inches and can now reach the pedals on her bike the desire to ride around the patio in circles often overrides her helpfulness in the garden - usually when we are weeding! Garden Boy meanwhile seems to have totally lost last years interest in playing with compost and no amount of persuading will get him to even fill a plant pot. As soon as the seed packets come out however, Garden Boy is right next to me asking for more and more seeds. If he spots me sowing a seed without him he runs over, shouting at me to stop, telling me the seeds are his. Luckily he is taking his role as Chief Seed Sower very seriously and he places each seed very carefully in the pots with a slow precision and much thought.

My fingers are now firmly crossed for continued sunny weather when Garden Bump arrives so our Little Garden Helpers can carry on working hard in the garden for us!



  1. :-) love the update post. Little sweetpea is at that compost playing phase at the moment, constantly covered in mud :-)

  2. Good luck with the imminent arrival!! Hope you don't have to wait too long.
    Our garden is coming along nicely too, thanks to the good weather and frequent watering. Growing broad beans for the first time, can't wait for the first crop!.
    Let's hope the slugs aren't too rampant this year.
