Monday, 18 July 2011

Counting the Days

Over the last few weeks the garden, for the most part, has been looking after itself. This has been a good thing as, if I am honest, I have had very little time to devote to the vegetable patch. End of term madness seemed to start weeks ago with sports days, summer fairs, classroom changeover days, assemblies and meetings. We have also had more than the usual number of playdates as everyone tries to fit them in before they head away on holidays.

On top of all that, Garden Dad and I have been spending our evenings, which would normally have been spent pottering in the garden, preparing the house for our new wood floor, which will finally be fitted this coming weekend. Garden Dad is looking forward to trying out his new machinary and I am looking forward to heading our for a few day trips with out Little Garden Helpers while Grandad South gives him a hand laying the boards. The house will be transformed and I am excited to see what it looks like when it is finished but it will be something of a relief when the summer holidays finally arrive and things slow down. I am looking forward to spending full days with our Little Garden Helpers, visiting local attractions and parks, getting crafty and rediscovering the garden.

Getting on top of the weeding will have to be the first task. We haven't left them entirely to take over but there are areas which need some hard work and the lawn mower definately needs an outing. The great thing is though, that although we have left the garden to its own devices, everything is flourishing, thanks to the lovely hot, sunny days interspersed with lots of heavy rain. We have already had some lovelystrawberry, broad bean, runner bean and potato harvests, our Little Garden Helpers delighting in searching for potato treasure and Garden Lass particularly enjoying podding broad beans. It has made them excited about forthcoming harvests and I think they will be keen helpers during the holidays. I'm counting the days! 

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